
No Two Persons …

    Ever read the same book twice.

    That is the premise of this exquisite new novel by Erica Bauermeister. A collection of stories that create a whole greater than the parts — and those parts are truly great to begin with! — this glorious work celebrates the power of writing and books and stories from all angles. It is moving, inspiring, surprising, and healing. And I got to join a stellar cast of narrators for the audiobook. Click the links for the print and audiobook.

    Now Streaming:

      With me as rabbi’s wife Mindy Cermak. Join us in episode 8 for sukkot!

      Relationship Wisdom

        I loved narrating this smart, sensitive, and no-nonsense book on how to navigate open relationships. Kate Loree’s intelligence, compassion, and boldness infuse every word, making Open Deeply an approachable and loving book full of wisdom on relationships generally, and non-monogamy specifically.

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