A Pause Before the New Year

This graceful rainbow appeared on December 23rd, during a flood tide over the great marsh at Sandy Neck Beach, Cape Cod. It feels so hopeful to me. Not like sparkly unicorns, but something even richer and more magical because it holds the dark, the rain, the storms, as well as lights and colors. I’m thinking a lot lately about these words from Michael Meade: “In the ancient understanding the world inevitably becomes worn down in the course of a year. Life becomes diminished by mistakes and misdeeds, the web of life becomes worn and torn and the world needs to be renewed. The purpose of New Year’s rites and celebrations was not a simple turning of a calendar page, but a symbolic return to the beginning of time in order to restore life to its original potentials.”
How wonderful to stop time for a moment to remind ourselves where we come from and refresh ourselves for where we’re going. I hope you find some time this New Year’s to renew yourself, to reconnect, to”restore life to is original potentials.” Happy 2023!!!